Under the provisions of the public institution with a scientific and technical vocation Act, the C.R.A.T shall be administrated by the Administrative Board, which consists of representatives of government institutions, elected members, and socio economic sectors in relation to the Center’s research activities.

As such, the list of members of the Administrative Board is set by order n°1112 of 13 december 2022, modified and completed by order n° 1555 of 22 november 2023, as follows :
M. TASSALIT Djilali  President, representative of the minister in charge of higher education and scientific research
M. BENABBAS Chaouki Director, Territory Planning Research Center
M. OUKAF Mokhtar Representative of the minister in charge of finance
M.AKSAS Abdelaziz Representative of the minister in charge of national defense
Mme.MOKHTARI Souad Representative of the minister in charge of de l’intérieur, des collectivités locales et du l’aménagement du territoire
Mme.REDOUANE SALH Hayet Representative of the minister in charge of housing, urban planning and the city
M. ABBAS Kamel Representative of the minister in charge of public works and basic infrastructure
M.GUAGUI Mohemed Representative of the minister in charge of hydraulics
M.BOUCHARI Mansour Representative of the minister in charge of envirnoment and renewable energies
M.BENSEDDIK Ali Representative of the minister in charge of hydraulics
Mme.BELMAHDI Nadia Representative  de l’entreprise économique COSIDER
M.NAKA Mohammed Representative of the directorate-general for scientific research and technical development
M.DIB Mehdi Representative of the C.R.A.T permanent researchers
Mme.BOUTECHE Besma Representative of the C.R.A.T permanent researchers
M.LAOUAR SETAIHI Amer Representative of the C.R.A.T research support staff

The administrative board deliberates on matters of interest in relation to the institution's functioning, mainly on :

  • Research programs submitted to it after obtaining the opinion of the Scientific Council ;
  • Fiscal management of the preceding financial year ;
  • The estimates of revenue and expenditure ;
  • Investment operations ;
  • Human resources management plan ;
  • The creation of subsidiaries and the acquisition of holdings ;
  • The acceptance of donations and legacies ;
  • The annual activity report ;
  • The draft of the institution's internal rules.